GAEM 2.0

TM Technology Management Services

TM Services was created with the aim of realising a virtuous model for governance of technology In healthcare, through the potential and technological innovation made available by a specific software programme, named "GAEM 2.0".

The problem, the solution


There are many types of electromedical equipment and medical devices. all with specific technical characteristics and needs. Their use is governed by complex legislation, which requires vertical skills and which must be constantly updated, while maintenance is often expensive and causes them to be at a standstill for long times, causing great waste of public and private money, the creation of long waiting lists and consequently the low quality of services provided.

The Solution

A hardly comforting picture that can be repeated in thousands of public and private healthcare facilities in Italy and worldwide GAEM 2.0 is the software cloud platform created to manage the life cycle of healthcare technology, maximising efficiency and minimising costs.


There are a team of engineers behind TM Services with a 10 years experience In healthcare, in particular in the design of IT solutions for Facility processes and Healthcare Asset Management; in implementing quality indicators for contracts and in training healthcare operators on the use of IT technology; speclalised in maintenance service design for medical devices and electromedical equipment; in optimising the technological pool of health centres; in planning and coordination of technical staff for corrective, preventive maintenance and electrical safety checks and skills in specific legislation.


Vision, Business model, Market, Growth prospects and Funding

The simplified, innovative approach to the management of healthcare technology is based on 2 main points: extreme simplicity of use and extreme flexibility. To obtain the former, the project idea and the platform are created in the same environments in which the latter is to be used. Flexibility translates into ease of personalisation, low costs and short implementation times, client autonomy in creating profiles, dashboards, reports, additional fields, integrations with other tools and existing software in the healthcare organisation.

Let's start with some numbers that can be used to define size and segmentation in the Italian market that TM Services operates in: the country has 1,165 hospitals, 9.635 specialised outpatients' assistance facilities, about 9.000 territorial assistance centres, about 1,000 rehabilitations centres and at least 5,000 structures for other types of assistance. If we consider the rest of the world, in Mexico alone, for example, there are more than 5.600 large healthcare structures. In this context, the entire public and private healthcare market can be reached via cloud distribution of the services provided by the GAEM 2.0. platform. The business model foresees the direct proposition to clients of the PA and SMEs, taking part in public and private calls for tender, the direct purchase of the service by a PA on the Public Administration Electronic Market (MEPA), the sale of cloud services to private healthcare operators. Potential buyers are technical directors, administration directors, clinical engineers, company managers, public and private facility supervisors. The potential partners are Global services, the producers of technology, providers of maintenance and logistics services, and associations operating in assistance services.



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Indoor localization partnership with:


Technology provider for the localization and tracking of indoor mobile electromedical equipment

GAEM 2.0 IoT Healthcare Asset Management

With GAEM 2.0, Technical Office and Clinical Engineering Service operate in real time on all processes concerning Life Cycle of electromedical instrumentation and hospital technological assets. Procurement Planning and IPS management (priority index of substitution) through any mobile device

  • Acceptance testing
  • Assets Inventory and data sheets management
  • Maintenance contracts management
  • Functional checks and preventive maintenance management
  • Out of service and disposals management
  • Management of corrective maintenance
  • Orders and warehouse of spare parts management
  • HTA (Health Technology Assessment)
  • Alert, mail, KPI

Next steps

The next steps of evolution of the GAEM 2.0 project foresees the design of a multi-platform app (Android, iOS, Windows) for the offline management of all maintenance activities, therefore the implementation of connects to GIS and CAD systems. Connectors for commercial ERP systems and other open architectures will be next, with integration with IT infrastructure monitoring system and Integration with sensors and other technologies that can create the basis for the IoT. All implementations planned, including the existing base platform, aim to create independence from the tools used in daily operations, according to a company vision aimed at creating a tangible " internet of things" that can be used in the healthcare world. Gaem2 multichannel - an innovative approach to health technology management

Experience, relations and projects

Few year after its creation, TM Services is already operational in large health centres and is working on projects with important research bodies. The benefits from the efficient management of technology life cycles are clear in all structures that already use the platform and services offered by TM Services.

Some of our customers





















Awards & Recognition


maker faire

Maker Faire Edition 2016 and 2017

lazio innovatore

One of "Best six innovative Startup" of Lazio in 2016






Main office: Via Cividale del Friuli, 2 00183 Rome (RM) Italy
P.IVA 13386371002

  +39-06 64850227


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